Release Notes
Another day, another update! This one focuses very much on quality of life improvements, polish and bug fixes. While there are no "big new features", there are some things in here that might change how you use Virtuoso!
New Features, Changes and Improvements
Auto recording length! By default, the looper now calculates the length of your recording automatically, and makes it match your other recordings. No need to set a specific recording length, unless you want to do overdubbing on that length.
Overlapping loops! When you're not overdubbing, loops now record a short tail that it uses to smooth over the loop point. This also allows you to start track playback without hearing the tail of the previous loop, and stop playback with a fadeout that uses only the tail.
Haptic metronome now has three settings, "Auto", "On" and "Off", and can be prevented from turning on automatically by being set to "Off".
Tempo sync is no longer disabled when you don't have a tempo. Turning on tempo sync will instead set an automatic tempo, and show a blinking light that indicates the sync speed.
Reintroduced bloom (glow) on Link and Rift. Things should now be a bit shinier when using your PC.
You can now use any hardware microphone and tweak the microphone latency (Link/Rift only).
Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Fixed some rather nasty memory crashes that were happening especially when loading and saving tracks.
Fixed a bug where starting notes and scales were sometimes bugged after loading a save.
Significantly reduced the amounts of random clicks and pops while playing and recording, hopefully to zero (at least from Virtuoso itself!).
Fixed a bug where using a UI spinner on an extracted drum pad would immediately close the drum pad UI and the spinner.
Lots of fixes for Launch Pad start / stop settings. Overall, using Launch Pad should now be a nicer experience.
Improved performance when having many objects on the screen and when recording with tape recorder, keeping it at a solid 120hz on Quest 2.
Please report any new bugs and issues on our Discord!
Release Notes
Strap in, because this is one of our biggest patches to date! With this update, we hope to bring Virtuoso from fun tool for some quick looping into the land of making full songs - and sharing them! To help out we’ve added two major features, the Launch Pads and the Tape Recorder. Read more below!
New Features, Changes and Improvements
Launch Pads! You can now extract a pad from any loop track or group, and trigger playback by hitting it with your hand or drum stick. Each loop and group now also have settings for how and when they’re played back, such as one shot, fade values and tempo sync.
Tape Recorder! You can now open the Tape Recorder tool and record all the sounds coming from both the looper and your live performance. This recording can then be set to represent your song in the Song Library, or exported to an easily accessible place at the click of a button.
The keyboard has been improved, and you can now type using either point-and-click or by hitting the keys. We’ve also added support for external keyboard (Rift only).
New look for the Looper with color selector, and the ability to rename tracks.
New look for the player in spectator mode (Rift only).
Plus lots of fixed bugs, and probably some new ones!
Release Notes
This update fixes some more issues with the Song Library, and introduces a new way of interacting with the Empads!
New Features, Changes and Improvements
To get drum sticks for the empads, you now click or hold the trigger while pointing towards a pad. This removes the pointing laser, making the drumming experience a bit cleaner, and allows you to drop the drum sticks even if the empads are open.
All button interactions are now “on click” instead of “on release”, making the whole UI more responsive.
You can now continue to use the song library and save your songs locally even if there is a required update for the community part.
(Rift only) You can now turn off the spectator camera by setting the spectator camera view to “off”. This may improve performance for some players.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where it was no longer possible to upload songs to the community library.
Fixed a bug where some saved songs only played noise when loaded. This also recovers those saves so they are usable again, yay!
Release Notes
This update fixes a couple of issues we’ve been seeing with the Song Library and the Microphone. It also brings some graphical improvements, and most importantly enables support for 120fps on Quest 2!
New Features, Changes and Improvements
Virtuoso now supports 120fps on Quest 2! To try it out you need to enable it from Experimental Features in the Quest 2 settings.
The environment has some visual improvements, specifically to effects and colors.
The microphone should now be somewhat louder and more consistent in volume. Using microphone “proximity” is now also off by default.
Song star rating has now been replaced with “cheers” - if you like a song you cheer for it.
To use the Song Library, you will now be asked to accept some terms that clarify how the library and your songs can be used.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Virtuoso would not start if it failed to find a working microphone.
Fixed an issue where the microphone recording would sometimes go out of sync.
Fixed several issues relating to saving and loading of songs in the community database.
Plus a bunch of other minor fixes and changes!
Release Notes
Sharing is caring! This update brings a brand new feature to Virtuoso, the Songs Library. Save your creations to the cloud and reopen them on any device, or share them with the community and let people remix them! We’ve also done a major overhaul of the performance in Virtuoso, and are bringing a slightly new look to the game. Finally, we’ve made some improvements that should make it easier for new players to get into Virtuoso.
Time to show your friends how the next level of music is made!
Big Changes
Songs Library (experimental) - upload your songs to the cloud and share them with the community
Performance overhaul - Virtuoso should now run at a solid 90fps on Quest 2
Visual update - shinier environment and instruments, and a brand new look for the controllers
UX improvements
Each hand now controls filtering independently and pitch shifting is turned off by default. Old control scheme can still be enabled under Preferences
Board now follows the global scale rather than playing any note, making it easier to use in your music
Looper and controllers now show the loop length and progression when you are recording
Microphone now has an input indicator, so you know if it picks up your sounds
Microphone is now always on while held, rather than requiring you to press the trigger
Plus lots of bug fixes and most likely brand new Bugs™!
Release Notes
Big update time! This patch introduces some brand new features to Virtuoso. Check out the changelist below:
New Features and Improvements
Tempo Sync - quantize the stuff you’re playing, while you’re playing it! Snaps whatever you play to the beat or a fraction of the beat.
It is now possible to set the tempo before recording a first loop.
Improved user interface! Updated with a hot new look and easier to use spinners and sliders, plus many improvements to layout and overall consistency.
Looper tracks can now be manually grouped and moved around, and the groups can be named.
You can now select a global musical scale for all instruments, or pick one at random.
Saves can now be named, and play a preview when selected.
Improved default sizes and positioning of instruments and tools.
Plus lots of bug fixes and performance optimizations!
Release Notes
This is a patch to address mainly the microphone issue we have been having, while we keep working on some bigger things behind the scenes!
Bug fixes
The microphone should now work on Quest 2
Microphone timing should now be less prone to slip
Fixed an issue where microphone would not record properly after the app was started for the first time
Playing on Empads in MIDI mode should no longer cause the companion app to crash
Instruments and tools should no longer disappear occasionally when being closed and re-opened, or when saving and loading
It is now possible to play on two instruments at the same time again
Other improvements
New system for interacting with UI elements (work in progress)
Nicer animations when opening and closing instruments
Nicer visuals when hitting the Empads
Release Notes
v0.3 - 2020-07-24
New Features and changes
It is now possible to rotate and change the size of almost anything by grabbing it with both hands.
All instruments and tools now have proper info boxes with animations showing how to use them.
Added Twitch integration to app - you can now join and see your chat inside of Virtuoso (Rift only).
Loop length is now measured in bars instead of a multiple of the original loop length.
Added a solo button to the loop tracks, and a delete all button to the Looper itself.
Microphone now has a small “preamp” panel where you can control volume and reverb.
Microphone is now louder by default.
Plus optimizations, visual improvements and numerous bug fixes, too many to list here!
Release Notes
v0.2 - 2020-06-05
New Features
Improved dashboard organisation by using tabs to section off different features of the app.
Volume control for all the audio.
Revamped controllers and drumsticks visuals.
You now configure the drumsticks in the Empads instrument: change angle and length. The drumsticks can also be completely removed by setting the length to 0.
Besides being able to play drums with the drumsticks, now it’s also possible to play them with the controllers.
It’s now possible to preview how the streaming camera looks to the spectators.
There’s a new Avatar head with visuals that react to sound.
Revamped looper visuals.
Improved feedback to the user with a new recording button and info text that accurately describes the current state of the looper.
Improved grouping by instrument and track naming.
You can now move the record button to be more readily available when playing instruments.
A global volume slider allows the user to control the volume of all tracks simultaneously.
Project save / load
Save and load your projects: Looper tracks, instrument configurations and general settings.
All save files are editable so it’s possible to do some basic modding to Virtuoso. Including bringing in your own synths and samples.
MIDI over WiFi
Connect to any music software with MIDI support over WiFi and use Virtuoso to control your sounds there.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where a UI button could get stuck in a mode where it was clicked whenever you press the trigger inside an instrument .
Fixed an issue where an error message appears saying a coroutine can't be started.
Fixed an issue where the colliders on the Effects and Scale buttons didn’t match the buttons visuals.
Fixed note names being stretched on some instruments when the Scale panel is open
Fixed an issue where recording got permanently stuck in a disabled state when the user reached 32 recorded loops.
Fixed an issue where closing and reopening the looper made it go out of sync.